Friday 27 April 2012

Final cut- original images

I used the image in my DPS as it was a long shot, which featured in my style model's DPS and I also liked the personality of the image. I posed the model to look as if she was screaming into the camera and to hold open her jacket so her t-shirt could be seen. Alot of thought was put into the costume as the t-shirt has 'bitch' scrawled across it, and this was purposely done to create controversy and to give the model or 'singer' a theme.

Final cut- original images

I used this picture as another 'road crew' image. This image was obviously alot more crafted than the other image featured as the small bio beside it on the contents page says that the model in the picture is a music blogger. This means that they would have posed for pictures before, and like my style model, the magazine uses these posed picture.

Final cut- original images

I used this image on my contents page in the feature 'road crew' as I thought it looked like the ones I had previously seen in other metal magazines. I didn't edit the image as it was supposed to give the magazine a more grounded feel to it and to make it more realistic. I took a close-up so it would look like the picture was taken of one of the 'road crew' fleetingly, as they don't have time to pose for pictures like the musicians featured.

Final cut- original images

I used this in my contents page as I felt that out of all of the images I took with these two models, this certain one had mor epersonality and movement then the rest. The male model, I felt, captured the essence of the 'devil-may-care' attitude seen in other heavy meta magazines and the female model posed defiantly at the camera. In the editing process I changed the colours of the two models hair and upped the saturation so it looked brighter.

Final cut original images

I chose this image to use on the front cover as it was the most striking of the ones I took. I posed the model to look directly at the camera like my style model and focused the camera to make the models hand become blurry and out of focus. This fitted with the conventions of Metal Hammer and other heavy metal magazines. In the editing process I turned the eyes and lips green to tie into the 'army' theme of the front cover and coloured the nails in black to fit more with the specific style of the audience.

Final Cut

Double Page Spread

My DPS is organised into clean columns and is easy to identify the genre of the piece. When I first started my DPS the colour scheme was very different and the font was muchy more gothic, however I thought it would be better to change the font and picture to something more appealing to either gender as the font, although being gothic, was also very feminine.

Final cut

Contents page

In my opinion, the contents page is my strongest point. I feel like the layout mirrors my style models and it looks clean and organised. I also like the 'road crew' feature I added at the bottom of the page. However, similar to my front cover I feel like my editing skills are lacking in the contents page. If I was to improve I would colour all of the models hair blue and not leave any gaps.

Final Cut- front cover

 Front cover

After finishing my final cut and looking at it objectively, overall I am happy with it. However, I wouldn't say that it's the best out of the three pages I produced. If I was to improve my front cover I would re-edit the lips of the model and get rid of the black line at the top of the page. On the other hand I do like how I incorporated a theme into the front cover like my Metal Hammer style model. I also like the fonts used as they all relate to the genre of heavy metal and the specific style tied to it.

Diary entry

Today after an in depth look at the Metal Hammer front covers I realised that all of them have themes they adhere to within the image and fonts. I utilised this by making an 'army, anti- establishment' theme which would tie my magazine to my style model more. After this I did the finishing touches to the whole thing, basically I tidied the layout up and spell checked the articles. I have also created a Facebook group which I will display my finished magazine on to get feedback from students in other media classes.