Wednesday 1 February 2012

Preliminary Research Work

Research conventions of School Magazine
The students on the front cover of the George Stephenson magazine all look like they are enjoying what they are doing; this gives the impression that the students at the school all take advantage of the opportunities they are presented with.  The whole picture is manipulated to incorporate various images of students among other pictures, all bordered by different aspects of the school to show that within George Stephenson there is a whole host of diverse and different facets to participate in. The layout of the main picture is a star, meant to mirror the school’s ethic or slogan. It paints the students and the school in a good light and gives the students confidence to think of themselves are ‘stars’. The main picture, as well as including students doing various activities, it has also included a vast array of different objects. They have pieces of art work to show off the students talents. The picture in the middle of it all is of the school grounds, saying that at the heart of the students school life and there work is the actual building as it is key for them to have somewhere to learn.  The use of Photoshop instead of using one big picture is meant to reflect the fresh, young look of the school and to show that they use new technology and that the school and students are modern. It is obviously not a traditional school and the whole layout of the magazine shows this.
                As with the Stephenson magazine I will create a big and bold title however in my front page I will make it stand out much more. I will also incorporate a catchy slogan or catchphrase into the front page, however unlike the Stephenson magazine the slogan will be more about the school, not the magazine. The colour scheme of the front page is quite dark and doesn’t inspire any thoughts on the school. They have also photo shopped the tones in the colour scheme to contrast and look darker then they probably were. The effect of this is somewhat uninteresting. My magazine front cover in comparison will be much brighter and have a more stimulating colour scheme.
                I will integrate the issue number and date into the magazine but unlike the Stephenson magazine I will not make it bold and directly under the title as it draws attention away from the main feature. The font used in the contents page relates to ‘graffiti’ and looks young and cool. This appeals to the students reading the magazine and I will utilise this method for my magazine. The picture on the contents page is a thought bubble relating to the school ethics of education, knowledge, asking questions and thinking. The colour scheme is bold and the writing stands out as it is white against a coloured background. The contents page is separated into different categories of ‘Entertainment’, ‘Sport’ and the top articles. They have done this so it’s easier to find a specific article and saves time. Page numbers are central to the contents page so students know which pages to go to, I will also be using this.


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