Saturday 25 February 2012

Analysis of front cover number 3

 Compared to the ‘Rocksound’ rock magazine, ‘Metal Hammer’ contrasts greatly. The cover is much more cluttered and confused, making it much harder to read.
 It still follows the conventions that the cover image must be subversive and seem to look angry and very anti commercial. However, he is wearing eye makeup which may suggest that he is subversive and individual which may be saying a wider message about the people who read the magazine. There are also smaller images next to the main features which is different to the ‘Rocksound’ front cover, however none of the images are actual photographs- they are comic drawings. This would reach out to their target market as through my research I have deduced that the audience who read metal magazines also can have an interest in comic and graphic style picture books.
The stories on the front cover include things that people would normally associate with the rock lifestyle, for example: swearing, mentions of rehab/drugs, fighting, prison and breakdowns.  The mention of these things all stick to the conventions of a front cover of a heavy metal magazine. 
The colour scheme consists of a lot of red and black, which stand out against the white background of the image. The fonts used are all different and all are very gothic- sticking to conventions of heavy metal, this is something I would do with my front cover.

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