Sunday 12 February 2012

Preliminary task evalutation

  After analysing the Stephenson magazine I decided that in my opinion it was too dark and the layout was too crammed together to really be succesful. So after taking this into consideration I designed my school magazine to look much brighter and in an altogther neater layout.  I made the magazine layout on InDesign and used tools such as the frame tool to make the overall background and to make each individual text box.
   I chose a font off the website to make the magazine title look different however it was also relatable as the font is the same one used in the popular teen programme South Park so students can link the to together to give the overall feel of the magazine being modern and 'down with the kids'. The background is blue to tie in with the Whitley Bay High School colours and contrasts well with the colour of the font (black) to make it stand out.
  When taking my pictures I used aperture, the zoom lens and I adjusted the focus noticably in one of the pictures. I also considered composition and lighting whilst taking the pictures and what was going to go into the frame and to what purpose. For example one of the pictures is of a student working with a bunsen burner so I considered where it would be placed and how the light would fall on various objects in the frame.
  When editing my photo's I used Photoshop. I utilised tools such as the clone stamp, the magic wand and the healing brush all to give the photo's a more professional look. Unlike the Stephenson magazine I din't cram all my photo's together in one mural, I put them on the magazine pages spaced out and they were all neatly bordered.

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