Tuesday 20 March 2012

Diary entry: more images

    Today I looked at my images objectively and realised that the images I had taken previously were not up to the standard of the ones I am using for my front page. I decided to take more images so unlike my first attempt I thought about mise en scene and took my images for the double page spread against a white background so it would be much easier to cut out on Photoshop if needs be and was much easier to edit.  I also played around more with the lighting in the shoot and used a faster shitter speed and lower aperture for effect.  The costume I found quite easy as in most of the metal magazines I have looked at, the models are wearing mainly dark clothing so I dressed my model in a leather jacket which has universal connotations of defiance and a ‘don’t care’  attitude.  The positioning of the model was to look straight into the camera and to pose quite boldly, which followed the conventions of the magazines I have looked at previously. Looking back retrospectively I realise the mistakes I have made when first taking my images but I have learnt to always consider the background and mise en scene of an image before taking it.

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