Thursday 29 March 2012

Feedback from roughcut

Liked about my project:
The cover and DPS fonts as they are relevant and fit with the genre 
Article is accurate for the genre as it includes taboo language and lots of slang 
Title of magazine
The layout of DPS
The ambition

What could be improved:
Changing layout of contents page
Changing colour scheme of contents page 
Need to include more detail in contents page
Change picture on contents page
Barcode is too big
Front cover image is too blurry
Need to use a different model for front cover 
Change models costume for front cover 
Page numbers too big
Need to link up the stories on all pages
Front cover too dark

What I have learnt:
My contents page needs ALOT of work and I need to study my style models more
Change the models I used for rough cut as they do not look as if they fit the genre 
Pay more attention to the editing process 
Change colour scheme of contents page 

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