Thursday 15 March 2012

Diary entry (taking images)

To take a sucessfull image that conformed with the rock metal conventions I had to dress my model in alternative clothing and very dark makeup. By doing this it relates to my target audience and the style that most of them adhere to. I picked my model because she has very long dark hair and was willing to ply around with poses and took direction easily. I took most of my images outside against a white wall, the effect being that it would contrast with the dark clothing and makeup of my model and make her stand out. Symbolically it meant that she was breaking out of the norm- i.e the white background- and subverting the stereotypes of a girly girl by dressing in darker and more alternative clothing. The images were shot handheld and with a flash to highlight the models face.  I also took some against a bright white wall to give the same effect. I used drums as a prop to give the images a musical feel as the model is supposed to be a musician and in the editing process I will contrast them against the background to stand out.

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